The file “%1” could not be opened. “%1” might not have been successfully renamed on the OmniGo. A communications problem between the OmniGo and this computer occurred while performing the rename operation. The directory “%1” might not have been successfully created on the OmniGo. A communications problem between the OmniGo and this computer occurred while creating the directory. “%1” might not be successfully deleted on the OmniGo. A communications problem between the OmniGo and this computer occurred while performing the delete operation. The file “%1” might not have been fully sent to the OmniGo. A communications problem between the OmniGo and this computer occurred while sending the file to the OmniGo. This computer is not able to save the file “%1”. Make sure the disk drive you wish to save is unlocked and writable. The file “%1” might not have been fully retreived from the OmniGo. A communications problem between the OmniGo and this computer occurred while retrieving the file. The OmniGo won’t respond. Make sure the OmniGo’s Transfer application is running and the OmniGo is properly connected to this computer. The OmniGo won’t respond. Make sure the OmniGo’s Transfer application is running and the OmniGo is properly connected to this computer. Then choose Update Window from the Connect menu.